Every so often I check out the links on my blog and website just to make sure they are still working. Much to my surprise, I found that the three reviews that we had received on Yelp had been deleted.
In search of a reason for this, I found that Yelp removes reviews for one of three reasons - the poster ask for the review to be removed, Yelp itself will manually remove a review that it feels violates its Terms of Service (in which case the business is supposed to be notified) or lastly, Yelp has a system which automatically determines which reviews are shown.
I checked with the customers that had posted the reviews (which were in fact all legit), and not surprisingly, none of them had requested their reviews be removed. Since I hadn't gotten a notification of any violations from Yelp, I tried to contact Yelp. However, Yelp simply states that if you contact them about missing reviews, you will only receive the same information that is on their website, and missing reviews will not be restored for any reason. Not exactly customer friendly!
So if you have used our limo service in the past, and wouldn't mind writing a review of it on Yelp, I would really appreciate it. Here is a
link to our page.