Sunday, November 16, 2008

Testing out a new blogging application

Since I am now writing for two blogs (and I am bored after watching the Chiefs loose again) I spent my late Sunday afternoon poking around the Internet trying to find ways to make my blogging either easier on myself or far more interesting for my readers.

Up to now, I have just been using the standard “Blogger” application that is free with a Google account. It has been working out pretty well, but every now and again I have encountered a few spacing issues that I can’t figure out. Hopefully, this new application (BlogJet) will fix this issue.

So far, the results are mixed. For some reason, the spell check didn't recognize “Google” and wanted to replace it with “Goggle” Maybe the software’s developer doesn't like Google. However, unlike Blogger. I was able to add the correct spelling, which is a nice feature.

I also haven't been able to find a way to add my “labels” at the bottom of each post, and as you can see from the large amount of empty space after the end of the post and before the time stamp, I have encountered another spacing issue! I fixed both of these issues through Blogger, so now I had a reason to try Blog Jet's “Strike-through” feature.

If any of you have any thoughts on other applications i could possibly use, please let me know.

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